Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What makes an effective teacher?

Is it the lesson plan? Is it the delivery? Is it showing compassion? Is it a system? Is it a personality? Is it the technology? In other words, what makes someone an effective teacher?

I feel like a lot of teachers have developed  and reflect those aspects on a daily basis. I also feel like there are a lot of educators who are afraid to go off the path when things change due to a belief in their teaching style. I am always wondering what makes one effective. Is it that you grade and return assignments with feedback but do it without a hint of personality or compassion? Or is it that you have personality and compassion but lack the drive to grade and give feedback on a timely basis? Is being effective the fact that you grade or that you assess student learning?

There also seems to be a reliance on "best practice" which seems like code for not doing something. Things that were effective ten years ago are seen as not effective now; even when there are teachers still having success with that style today! I guess there will always be a debate about it but we are all human which means we are all different. If we accept that we are different than why do I feel like a lot of the time teachers are being pigeonholed into using or implementing a certain educational style? If something works for one teacher than why is it assumed it will work for all teachers if rolled out and implemented?

                                                      Teaching with a personality!

                                                              Teaching by lecture!
                                                            Over the top teaching style!


  1. I believe that an effective teacher combines all of the things you reference. Is a good teacher the same as an effective teacher? Does a "popular" teacher make for an effective teacher? Do "best practices"actual aid in being effective with today's student? It is a delicate juggling act and requires constant adjustment so that no
    balls fall. It is a tough and often thankless job to juggle balls that are all of different sizes.

    1. I agree with what you say and understand the juggling balls concept but how do you measure effective? I guess that is really my question: how does one know if he is effective? I feel like I entertain rather than educate.
