Saturday, October 31, 2015

Making Connections With Students Outside of the Classroom

One of the best pieces of advice I received from my sister (a teacher herself) is to be there for your students and make connections. What better way to accomplish this than to be a part of the school culture! Being a teacher does not mean you check in and out according to your contract, but that you make yourself available outside of school. For me it is being at most school events but for others it may mean tutoring, working with a club, or just making a student's day!

I found this video on Facebook. It is of four teachers at Metea Valley who found out a certain student wanted to meet the Wiggles. This is their way of "connecting" with him on Halloween!

This video is why many of us got into education. We get to do this on a daily basis, maybe not like the video, but everyday we say or do something that makes a young person's day. 

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